For a site called The Caped Persuader there’s not an awful lot of persuading going on here. Sure there are plenty of opinions tossed around here, and… Read more “Electro, Electricians, and Elections: Roundabout 3”
Fanboys of the World Unite: Roundabout Part 2
The more I learn the more I realize I don’t know. I’m sure someone far wiser and more articulate that me has a more eloquent way of… Read more “Fanboys of the World Unite: Roundabout Part 2”
On A Jacked James Gordon or Not an Atypical Conversation – J
This was a real texting conversation between the editors that I thought part of the way through would be interesting for everyone to look at. To set… Read more “On A Jacked James Gordon or Not an Atypical Conversation – J”
Civil War: Roundabout Part 1
Following up J’s multifaceted treatise on the titular Marvel Comics crossover event is no easy task. For one thing, he did such a good job with it,… Read more “Civil War: Roundabout Part 1”
Universe In Review: Captain America-Civil War: J
Captain America: Civil War Fun things first, then the comparisons that bring the heat. The case could be made that Black Panther is the Wakandan Captain America.… Read more “Universe In Review: Captain America-Civil War: J”
Civil War: Finale or Standing with a Microwave – J
And now we come to it. After so long, my side is revealed. I’m with Firestar. To be honest, it took some serious soul searching for me… Read more “Civil War: Finale or Standing with a Microwave – J”
Civil War: To Throw a Punch or the Towel – J
Next up in the series is a closer look at a much less known hero, Firestar, then compare her to an even more esoteric Marvel character, Captain… Read more “Civil War: To Throw a Punch or the Towel – J”
Civil War: The Wisdom to Know the Difference – J
So, the Serenity prayer may not have been written for Alcoholics Anonymous, but people sure connect the two. Kinda like Aretha Franklin and “R.E.S.P.E.C.T”, which is originally… Read more “Civil War: The Wisdom to Know the Difference – J”
Civil War: WWSSD? -J
Addendum to the retweet, the most interesting thing about the new trailer isn’t the visuals, it’s BC’s American accent. I’m not sure it’s actually him without that… Read more “Civil War: WWSSD? -J”
Civil War: Richards Math Questions: J
Part 2! Hopefully all of you have finished your PreReqs for the class and stand ready for the first real meat of the subject. Here, we’ll take… Read more “Civil War: Richards Math Questions: J”